2009年4月24日 星期五




在一年前 她為我禱告 神給我一雙可以用寫字去影響人的手
還有我在學校 為神的堅持他看到了 像微小的光芒一樣

今天他為我的禱告 又讓我哭了! 明明心情就還不錯 他說

神說 我沒有忘記我跟你的約定 我與神立的是血約 表是我跟神的任何一個約定 他都不會反悔

那時候我就邊想 奇怪 上帝我有跟你立甚麼約定我自己都有點忘記了 !

聖靈讓我想到 我在國中時 梅君姐 為我禱告 我有一雙紅色帶著翅膀的鞋子

梅君姐說 : 小喬 我好羨慕你喔! 你好像會出國呢 真好

我一想到這裡 我的眼淚就掉下來了! 其實我不知道為什麼我要掉眼淚是真的!!

然後梅玲姐又說甚麼 : 流淚所立的約

於是我又邊想 : 奇怪! 應該不是這個吧 ? 我當天好像很開心 ....


結果我又想到三個禱告 : 家人得救 進電機系的應許 遇見神

應該是...如果有哭 + 神有應許 = 進電機系的目的

梅玲姐 又禱告了一些 :

你要告訴你的孩子 他已經跟以前不同了 ! 他是向前奔跑的
或許他覺得他還有一些軟弱 甚至是比較 但是你要告訴你的女兒
他跟以前不一樣了 !

耶穌說 我們一起來作夢

我完全知道神要說的是甚麼 : 與神築夢

就是我最近再看一次的書 而且是真實渴望 神能夠跟我 我能夠跟他
一起同工 最近每天晚上我都期待上帝讓我做異夢 不過會有一些攪擾

也奉耶穌的名破除一切負面的話語 因為上帝是造就 是美麗

總而言之 我開始確定 出國是神給我的一個夢想 交換學生是一個部分
神知道我看著許多人 完成我的小夢想 而我還停留在原地的感受

很難受 ! 只能用其他的事情去安慰自己

還有我開始奔跑了 ! 太好了 ! 我知道我開始了 ! 因為最近我只要一禱告 或敬拜
我常常感覺到耶穌牽起我的手說 : 來 我們走

而且今天我看到演耶穌的影片 不知道為什麼 我看見那個'耶穌'的眼神
心裡面有一股莫名的感動 好像這就是我期待已久的 那位溫柔的人

總之 好險今天我有去區聚

我還看到一個 不知道是我胡思亂想 還是怎麼樣的小異象

我看到橫著走的螃蟹 (畢竟螃蟹只能橫著走) 然後走一走他整個撲倒了
結果他居然站起來 直的走!!

我怎麼覺得這個我的改行有關? 或著是呼召之類的
好吧! 這些東西我都會存在心裡 想到就要來問聖靈一下

手牽手 我們一起走 過著幸福的生活

梅玲姐 有一天我要跟她說 謝謝你那決定性的兩個禱告 神大大使用你 在你覺得是很小的服事上

God makes my heart sing ! 2008/10

18:18 「所以,我告訴你們,你們在地上所禁止的,在天上也要禁止;你們在地上所准許的,在天上也要准許。
18:19 「我再告訴你們,你們在地上,如果有兩個人同心合意地祈求,無論求甚麼,我的天父一定為你們成全。
18:20 因為,凡有兩三個人奉我的名聚集的地方,我就在他們中間。」

小喬 你要奉耶穌的名興起 發光
主 我的心裡有感動要起來 禱告你

耶穌我禱告你 給我及小家星期五下午 有兩個小時敬拜為得人禱告

當我為你辛苦時 我知道你紀念
我沒有跟任何人說 我很認真的念書 很認真的開始要成為代禱者
但是我跟你說 我的神

還有 在我婚禮那天 我要唱一首歌 先獻給你 再給我的另一伴


--Psalm 27:4 One thing I ask from the Lord
this only do I seek
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life ,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple ------

These days of onethine conference once again changed the way I see God and Jesus .
We had Merchant Band as the worship leader , Ps Dwane ,Ps.Philip , Jaeson , and Ps. Danniel
the preachers .

Things were good during 3 worshiping-atmed days. Lots of things happened
in God's way. The message came in great passion and love , since One Thing was held to help
us awake our real understanding of Father , loving and Passionate .

The first section began with the preaching of Jaeson Ma , the Invitor of IHOP.
He shared this with us :
We ought to live a life that is full of God's love
--Isaiah 40:29,30
He gives strength of the weary and increases the power of the week
Even youths grow tired and weary , and young may stumble and fail ,
but those whohope in the Lord with renew his strength .
They will soar on wings like eagles ;
they will walk and not be fail

He shared a dream from God : the Emma

He emphasize the importance of knowing our identity from God , mentioning that
Jesus never served people until the day of his baptising , where God said He's pleased with him .

He received his identity first .

Jaeson also encouraged us to worship God in truth and do not live in the shoadow
of men , 'cause man looks at the exterior , while God looks on the inside .

How great it is that "We could be called th children of God "

Chinese Christians often "work harder , enjoy less , give more"
but he said to us to "work less , enjoy God more , you are therefore you do "

Glorify God by enjoing Him forever
Gaze at Jesus' beaty . What you behold is what you become .

And we shoud shake off all the false concept of the Trinity.
Often devils tell us God's angry with us , we are not worthy of his love since we sin again ,
and rebel him . We must understand the difference btw "immature" and "rebelliance"

1st : "I fall again but I still run to God , seeking his precence and forgiveness"
2nd:"I hate God"

We must know the truth that
God is a living Father
Jesus is a passionate bridegroom

We dedicate ourselfves by realizing how dedicated he is to us .
Loves always outwork workers .

God will still love me even in my mess .
I am dark , yet lovely .

Affection-based Obedience .


This is the second time I heard this kind of message .
But it still touched me , anyway .

I've done a lot , but honestly , I enjoy God few ...

God ! I pray that every single day I can visibly and clearly touch your precense and
the love of Jesus toward me .
I need to know how confident Jesus is of me

I need to stand on his word of love , reveal to me the real heart of Jesus
through your word and Holy spirit .

I love you , fulfill this prayer !